3 definitions by Ivanchuk "Gore Buff"

A "Cherry" is another name that detectives use to describe the flashing red light that is placed on the top of an unmarked police car used by detectives in pursuit of another vehicle to show pedestrians and other drivers that they are in law enforcement.
That dude just ahead in the caddy just hit someone and took off. Stick the cherry on the roof and let's get the jackass!
by Ivanchuk "Gore Buff" September 25, 2014
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A "Card Condom" is a slang term for the soft plastic sleeve that sports card collectors use to protect their cards from damage. They are also used by many people who are down with trading card games due to the high value and rarity of some cards in play.
You just payed $600 for that Black Lotus card you bought online and you still insist on playing with it without using a card condom to protect it from all of the scratches caused by our wooden table?! Are you crazy?

sleeve cover protect plastic card condom scratch damage glove
by Ivanchuk "Gore Buff" June 24, 2014
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In a game of chess the term "Isolated Pawn" refers to a pawn on either side of the board that doesn't have any pawns on its left and its right.
Black's rook captured the isolated pawn on square e4 for free as it had no other supporting pawns beside it to defend it.
by Ivanchuk "Gore Buff" November 12, 2014
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