1 definition by ItsNeverYourFaultLMAO

A Gonzo is the epitome of mental retardation in the form of a stunted and profoundly rotund body mass. Gonzo's typically have convincing personalities and through their adolescence learn how to manipulate people emotionally. A Gonzo thrives on this emotionality in the way an Emotional Vampire does. This eventually fails to work for them as he and his peers age and his behavior begins to speak for itself. The Gonzo's initial approach of manipulation fails to work with his newfound demographic and he must adapt. This is where he comes full form.

An adapted Gonzo is a fully mature Gonzo, but still maladapted. Since his prior manipulations fail to work with productive adults who have the IQ capable of reason, he adopts a new approach to relationships. A Gonzo will employ a combination of narcissism, outright lies, physical abuse, emotional abuse, victimhood, false claims of being an entrepreneur and alcohol abuse to come to a full formed Gonzo.
Gonzo totally manipulated me, I bought a motor for $700 after HE convinced me to and then he just sat on his fat, goofy ass for 5 months while telling me "I will install that motor tomorrow brotha!" Now everyone know's he's a lying, dumb, piece of shit.
by ItsNeverYourFaultLMAO December 4, 2021
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