7 definitions by ItsAllBeenDone

violence, death, corruption- tis the world we live in
by ItsAllBeenDone April 30, 2004
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politicians dont do shit for the common man. they only help the rich
by ItsAllBeenDone April 30, 2004
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1)the new york yankees
2)the detroit red wings
3)wal mart
1)fuck the yanks! go red sox and pirates!
2)fuck the wings! go predators and penguins!
3)fuck wal mart! go to k mart!
4)fuck microsoft! buy a mac!
by ItsAllBeenDone April 30, 2004
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pitt made a great comeback to beat g-town at DC
by ItsAllBeenDone April 14, 2004
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haven't been champs since the
60s...only were good in the mid 70s and in the 90s with Barry Sanders
the lions are always screwing up
by ItsAllBeenDone March 24, 2004
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a shitty show about burnouts; includes dumb-ass fred, slutty daphne, velma- a smart girl who gets her ideas while shes high, burnout with the munchies shaggy, and scooby and his scooby snacks (weed); they live in a van, solve mysteries, and think criminals look like ghosts because they are high
scooby doo. he's a drug dealer. he sells his weed cheap
by ItsAllBeenDone April 30, 2004
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shitty music played my hicks with cowboy hats
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand that CUNT TREE music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by ItsAllBeenDone March 29, 2004
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