2 definitions by Itallian Stallian

When Julie brings in coke for the team to share ($1 each) but we drink them and not pay.
"Hey Naz, you up for a Julie Jrink?"

"The Julie Jrinks are on the house fellas"
by Itallian Stallian September 19, 2008
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A really fat, smelly woman that doesn't wash her "switch" for months, even years. It gives off the odor of Parmesan cheese mixed with dirty nappy/tampon.
Naz: "Hey what the hell is that stink?"

Ryan: "It's fuckin Cheesey Switch."

Naz: "What the fuck? Does she even wash that switch of hers? I bet it has dregs of dried up blow and piss in there."

Ryan: "It's one hellava cheesey switch, man."
by Itallian Stallian July 16, 2008
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