2 definitions by It’s Speedy

Peter is an amazing person. He is intelligent, funny, and just overall a spectacular person. Peter will never met you down. You can depend on a Peter.
Usually tall, blonde, and has glasses.
Peter will have a few crushes here and there. But once he finds a girl that he love from the bottom of his heart he never lets her go.

Peter always sees the good in everyone. In a way you could describe him as a superhero almost. He sure is mine.

If you have a Peter in your life never let him go. Cause chances are your never gonna meet anyone as wonderful as him!
Peter: Everything okay, you seem not as perky as you normally do?
His practically little sis: I don’t really want to talk about it. I’ll tear up
*Peter just gives a warm hug*
by It’s Speedy June 14, 2018
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She is beautiful. Most commonly blonde hair, but very very intelligent. Blue or green eyes, most compatible with a boy named Peter.
Guy 1: Bailey is wonderful

Peter: Yeah, I don’t know what I would do without her. She is my center.
by It’s Speedy June 14, 2018
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