2 definitions by Is me, Mario

noun (todd-sty-ill)

Originating during the rise of the Roman Empire, thought to be compiled by legionnaires with the words 'Todd' and 'Stile'.
A human with the appropriate name of Todd, bent over any variation of fence provided one is able to walk over Todd to the other side of the fence.
Todd was turned into a todstile over a hip high razor-wire fence while his friends clambered over his back to the other side to evade the vicious dog. Todd felt naturally indifferent about this.
by Is me, Mario December 10, 2007
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An effect something can have on time. When everything around you continues as normal but time within the dilation field runs fast/slow.
1. The time dilation effect inside the classroom turned seconds into hours.

2. I sat up talking to the beautiful girl without realising we were stuck in time dilation and the sun came up before I knew what happened!
by Is me, Mario July 19, 2010
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