1 definition by Iputmeatspinonpeopleshomepage

Verb; The act of cheerfully spamming a friends facebook wall by Liking as many posts as human possibly, and adding an absurd number of cat/kitten videos. Usually performed at night while the victim is asleep. So upon next arrival to "Facebook." They are shocked to see around 150+ notifications and get extremely uneasy. Then to settle this uneasiness dozens of kitten videos! Wooo!

1. Like every post done by the victim, on the victims wall for 3+ years preferably. Remember it is all relative to how active the victim is with Facebook, and as well get your friends involved in this let them know to like everything that. The goal is as many notifications as humanly possible.
2. Post as many cat/kitten videos as human possibly. Be creative with the postings. Add your own personal flare to it. Create your own reaction photo/video.

3. Once the Kitten mayhem has been unleashed. Start to Like every video you posted. Again, Let your friends know, heck let anyone know who knows the victim to like every cat video that has been posted.
"Megan help me Facebook Catbomb Heather we need to get her back and she has been sassing me quite a bit, as of late so let's get her back in a cute yet witty way. Let us Catbomb her ass."

"Yo, Alex I just cat bombed my girlfriends older sister"
"oooohh CATBOMB"
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