1 definition by ImmaStargirl

"Lacey" is the kind of girl who will date a lot of guys before she finds the right one. She has a guarded heart but the lucky person who wins it over will be in for the best years of their life. Lacey's intelligence most commonly lies in her understanding for others (and need for sleep), her ability to pick out the best Netflix shows, and her perseverance. She has an oh so chic personality with a touch of adventure and an aura of mystery. This girl is definitely a joy to be around and would drop anything she is doing to help a friend. Well, she will unless she is napping and doesn't hear her cell phone ringing. That's only for an hour almost every day, though. Just make sure to catch her during the other 15 hours of wakefulness! Lacey's number one desire is to live life to the fullest, laugh a lot, and show the world as much love as she can.
Friends have described her saying:

"Lacey will always be there if you need a helping hand or even just a hug."

"Oh Lacey! Yes, that girl is definitely a bomb friend. She will listen to even the most petty of issues and not laugh or judge you."

"Lacey has a nice bod for sure but her true beauty is in the love she shows for others."
by ImmaStargirl December 20, 2016
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