2 definitions by Imadogpersonidontlikecats

A situation in which a piece of media attempts to try several things and ends up contradicting itself literally or subtextually.
John: Movies suck these days always trying to please different audiences and ending up pleasing none. I wish they would just stick with the original idea and go with it.

Tim: If movie companies would stop falling into the mortdecai paradox things would be so much better.
by Imadogpersonidontlikecats August 4, 2023
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Vandleheim is a Germanic surname that was most common in the 16th and 17th centuries which is very rare today. Only about 5,000 people are recorded to have used it today. The name Vandleheim stems from the Word Vandal and Heim Vandal refers to a group of Germanic people who used to live in what is now North Africa. Heim means home in many Germanic languages The definition of the word is though to be translated into English as Great destroyers of homes
Hey you know Vandleheim?

Oh yeah he seems hella chill

I know maybe we should go talk to him?
by Imadogpersonidontlikecats November 14, 2022
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