2 definitions by Ignatius
by Ignatius June 19, 2004
n. A title used to describe someone who is aroused, if not sexually, but emotionally by a plushie. Plushophile's are not always, "sexually," attracted to plushies, therefore the rigid stereotype cannot hold, some are emotionally attached, and can love and venerate their plushies. Some hold close to only sexual relations with a plushie, but there are a number who care for their plushies as a human would it's mate.
The common stereotype, which is, of course, obviously wrong, is that it depicts a person who is a disgusting homosexual of some kind.
Under the broader category, furry is the top of one of these types of people, but it does not meant that all furries are plushophiles. There are differences in the entire furry community that make it a different and unique place, which makes plushophiles a welcome addition to their world.
Although, following the stereotype, humanity seriously mistreats them.
The common stereotype, which is, of course, obviously wrong, is that it depicts a person who is a disgusting homosexual of some kind.
Under the broader category, furry is the top of one of these types of people, but it does not meant that all furries are plushophiles. There are differences in the entire furry community that make it a different and unique place, which makes plushophiles a welcome addition to their world.
Although, following the stereotype, humanity seriously mistreats them.
by Ignatius December 9, 2003