4 definitions by Ian McSmith

Something (joke, story, movie-scene) an individual does not find funny until they meet someone who is offended by it.

Then they find it hilarious (either from the nervousness, ridiculousness, obscenity, or the person is in-fact a troll)
Bob: So I heard this really lame joke the other day (insert joke)
Chad: … that's not funny (insert personal story)
Bob: … BAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Well I guess this friendship is over?
Chad: Nah, it's alright I understand troll humor just like when (inserts joke about Bob's life)
Both: (Laugh and continue being friends)
by Ian McSmith October 12, 2021
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(verb) - The act of laughing through one's nose at an irregular audible level.
Ian: Wow did you hear that guy hyper-ventilaughing?

Todd: Yeah I was sure a booger was about to fly out of his nose.
by Ian McSmith March 6, 2011
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Drunk slang for the words, "we are about to."
Steven: Hey Craig what are we gonna do tonight?

Craig: Man we-bow-da grab some drinks and hit up the club.
by Ian McSmith March 6, 2011
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Someone who has removed all hair/piercings/makeup from their face bringing it to a blank neutral state.
When Eric started playing Saints Row the characters features were set to default.

Joey: Hey did you hear? Tommy set his facial features to default.

Jack: Hah I bet he looks like Professor Xavier from X-Men.

Show Host: Britney Spears has recently changed her hairstyle to default again.
by Ian McSmith March 8, 2011
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