3 definitions by IAM808


In 1977, you could go to London and see the Sex Pistols, New York and see The Ramones, and L.A. for a Germs show
by IAM808 November 30, 2006
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a musical genre in which synthesizers are used in an aggressive, yet usually minimalistic, manner.
In the Late 70's, L.A. produced a quintessential synthpunk group cslled Screamers.
by IAM808 November 30, 2006
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the combining of Emo with electronic music. Artsy, indie, electro music. Not to be confused with Synthpunk
Bob: hey Fred, what are you listening to?
Fred: oh, just some Emotronic stuff i picked up at Virgin.
Bob: gee Fred, i didn't know you were such a girl!
by IAM808 November 30, 2006
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