9 definitions by I Write Random Explanations

Rhythm Heaven is a game where you sell your soul to get Superb on a minigame. The game is about clicking to the beat, or just doing what it says. If you do not succeed and get the amount needed you basically fail and get a Try Again. If you get past Try Again but don’t do it well, you get an OK. If you do EXTREMELY good, you get a Superb. Superbs can give you opportunities to PERFECT a game. An example would be Superb-ing Love Lizards, if you played for awhile you would eventually{ get an opportunity to perfect that game. You only have 3 chances to beat it. If you don’t, the perfect goes away. If you do, you unlock something unless you play Rhythm Heaven Megamix, which you just earn a Flow Ball, which you can use to buy items and so.
“Derek, please, stop playing Rhythm Heaven Fever.”
“But, I’m so close to perfecting Remix Te- and your ruined it! Thanks man.”
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An ancient god, Telanoli. Usually remained unknown or unidentified by most people. Telanoli is a person with a great mindset, and a great human being people look up to.
"Have you seen telanoli? I think i'm in love!"
"I know, right! He's such an adorable bag of flesh!"
"...We're no longer friends."
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