2 definitions by I'm the anonymous 22433

When you are out of mayo you gotta have another option...

So instead of using Mayo you are using your own condimens (jizz) on your sandwhich of choice.
Guy 1:Hey man why does this sandwich taste so good?
Guy 2: I knew I wasn't the only one who my liked jizz on sandwiches!

Guy 1: Well from now when I come over make me one of your famous jizzsandwhichs!
by I'm the anonymous 22433 February 5, 2015
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When you jizz in a turkey on Thanksgiving Day and everyone eats it.

Normally done to either get back at your family or as a practical joke.
Guy 1: What did you eat on Thanksgiving Day?
Guy 2: It was turkey, but it tasted more like a Jizzturkey, I think my uncle was mad after we made fun of him.
by I'm the anonymous 22433 February 5, 2015
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