7 definitions by I couldn't find any other name

No one really knows what it means
person 1: what does idk mean
person 2: i don't know
person 1: then who knows
by I couldn't find any other name December 3, 2020
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by I couldn't find any other name October 28, 2021
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A derogatory term for forum posts which contain a direct or nearly direct copy-and-paste of memes, posts from older forum discussions, or other material, often accompanied by an attempt to pass off the contents as new and original.

Commonly seen on 4chan.org's Random ("/b/") forum.
> I went to Taco Bell and tried
> to spend a $2 bill, and the
> cashier had no idea what it
> was and called the cops.

by I couldn't find any other name December 31, 2022
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