1 definition by I Am A Simp

A man who is orange thinks the coronavirus is not a big deal and thinks that global warming is a hoax.

He is only mad at china because they actually have a great wall

He is also stupid because when people raided the federal property and tried to kill a person he said "it's okay, what you did was fine" like what the fuck dude what if Joe Biden told people that if they tried to kill you.

he got impeached twice. that is literally never happened before proving that he is the worst president ever yet people are still siding with him

also, he did one thing he lower taxes like the tiniest bit and yet trump supporters still think he's better than Obama. he literally took health care from you. obama made health care in America almost trump had one job and he chose to shut down Obama care instead

so yeah trump SUCKS
Donald Trump is absolutely stupid
by I Am A Simp July 9, 2021
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