4 definitions by Hunkymonke69

The definition of sucking another aliens balls in a anal sex act to make a orange rhyme with banana but failing miserably, while having 2 enslaved immagrants from poland drive into the trade center in new york while playing amongus on there nokia smart watch.
Child: Dad i failed at doing my role in "Amongus911balls" instead i was the imposter :( Father: "its okay baby i know"
by Hunkymonke69 January 31, 2022
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A way to burn money by the second there all rigged chance based scam mechanics that make you want to spend more to try and make more never works in the long run im now living under a bridge in a box because of CSGO
Yo i just bought These In Game Lootboxs and i got a 12 inch big large black testical warmer that prevents kids 😱
by Hunkymonke69 January 31, 2022
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My idea for a chocolate cookie with my semin and whipped cream beetween the two if you take it you'll be hearing from someone.
Hey i bought some cream beetweens, they taste salty and sweet kinda?
by Hunkymonke69 January 31, 2022
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The most white guy thing to ever be said if you hear a dad say this hes not a dad hes a virgin.
* Family eating dinner*
Dad: *drops fork* "awe fiddle sticks"
Family: Kys you virgin
by Hunkymonke69 January 31, 2022
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