1 definition by Howdy-Howdy

A wiki based on the social media closedverse, created by Gnarly and others. Its primary inspiration is Encyclopedia Dramatica, but instead of going for comedic or irony like old ED, it instead tries (and fails, unsurprisingly) to emulate the post-2004 ED with its constant admin brown nosing, lack of self awareness, blatant slander and shit flinging at basically random popular people, children or otherwise, under the flimsy guise of "satire".

A very common group of phrases you'll run into on this site include, but are not limited to, "faggot" and its synonyms, "retarded", "autistic", "nigger", and many, many, many other immature quips, which is reflective of the actual state of the site owner's mind - a teenager on the internet trying anything to get any kind of attention.
I got a link to a Closedverse Dramatica page on myself and boy, is it full of bullshit.
by Howdy-Howdy August 14, 2018
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