2 definitions by HonorsTrack

When someone is walking way too damn slow due to the fact that their pants are sagging, and thus causing them to walk too slow.
Person A:The asshole 10 feet in front of us is causing a jam in the hallway cos of his sweat-pant swagger!

Person B: Yeah, dude, I know!!
by HonorsTrack January 12, 2011
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A loud and obnoxious person of Polish descent who often has a shit-eating grin and has a primary purpose of annoying the hell out of people with repetitious music and reusable inside jokes. Can be found on the edges of SJW facebook posts writing, "triggered!"
That guy is such a masakowski. He posted "fuck you. die." one letter at a time on my facebook post.
by HonorsTrack May 11, 2017
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