1 definition by Hissssss Chickaaaaa(:

The most self centered , narcissistic , lieing , cheating , big dick son of a bitch on the planet earth known to man kind. He will lie to you. Go behind your back. Cheat on you. Talk major shit about you. And most of all tell you he loves you so that he can "be puttin his big hard dick inside your tight wet pussy!" << those are a 'NICKS' exact words(:

oh oh !! and also , "oh baby , i wish i was there right know fuckn your tight wet pussy and suckn on your nipples" "oh baby , oh baby , oh baby!"


IN CONCLUSION: Nicks have absolutely NOTHING going for them except for their big dicks !! (thats sad)
"nuh uh girllllll , you betta watch out fo him , that nigga is a nick!!!"
by Hissssss Chickaaaaa(: July 6, 2009
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