3 definitions by Hidere

An Ella is usually a very quiet girl who likes to keep things to herself, this can also make her selfish at times. Ella’s have red hair, freckles and are quite beautiful on the outside.but the worst thing about Ella’s is no boys want to be with her because she just cannot talk to them!! Ella’s are also good at sports and are very self-centered.
Girl1: “hi Ella!! How are you?”
Ella: *looks at them and mutters “fine
by Hidere February 20, 2019
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A Saoirse is one of the nicest most beautiful girls you will ever meet. She is popular with everyone from the cool kids to the nerds and jocks. A Saoirse usually has stunning thick blonde hair and light eyes. A Saoirse is also very athletic and all of the boys want to be with her!
Girl1: ughhh there goes Saoirse again with the hot boys
Girl2: ya I know she’s SO PRETTY!!
by Hidere February 20, 2019
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A Saoirse is a very kind girl who is popular with pretty much everyone. She has long blonde hair and light eyes. A Saoirse always gets the hot boy and gets top of her class in most subjects. She has connections with the nerds and hotties but a Saoirse sometimes won’t be honest with her true opinion.
WOW! That girl is amazing!!! She must be a Saoirse.
by Hidere February 11, 2019
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