2 definitions by Heyguysifoundthehondacivic

Reffered to as dream/him and a type of species of Fatherus Missingus and Parentus Missingus at the same time.
Twitter User #1: "Guess what! I'm coming as a dreamsexual!!!!"

Twitter User #2: "Oh look it's a dreamsexual, a type of Fatherus and Parentus Missingus!"
by Heyguysifoundthehondacivic August 7, 2022
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The best thing in the fucking existence. You want Minions 2? Pirate it! Want to play Minecraft? Pirate it too!

By doing piracy you agree to pissing the fuck out of both the company and the US government. They hate piracy because of them losing cash even though they have a fuck ton of money already.

Pirates shouldn't be ashamed of pirating because it takes fucking days, to weeks, if not fucking months for the damn movie to arrive only to find yourself not just paying 20 dollars for a dumbass video, but another 10 dollars of fucking delivery service. Piracy delivers it instantly into your device in less than 2 hours without paying for shit. L + bozo government.
News: "A 23 year old man arrested for pirating Minecraft, minions 2, the bee movie and super Mario 64"

Me: "Fucktarded government, piracy will never die."
by Heyguysifoundthehondacivic August 8, 2022
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