9 definitions by Herbal Klimt

Achieving fitness by working out most every day and watching what you eat. Inspired by lyrics from the song 'Hip to Be Square' by 1980s pop-rock group Huey Lewis & The News's 'Hip to Be Square'.
Mary: Tibor, you're looking fit these days, whats your secret?

Tibor: Thank you, its the 'Huey Lewis Workout' and I've lost 20lbs since the Bangles concert last August!
by Herbal Klimt December 6, 2009
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The act of inadvertently watching a commercial as part of a digitally recorded program.
Mary: Why are we watching this commercial instead of fast forwarding it?

Tibor: Tivo d'oh! I'll fast forward until we see Anderson Cooper again.
by Herbal Klimt December 27, 2010
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