2 definitions by Henkitime

The belief of sales, marketing, and advertising professionals that the Millennial demographic represents a completely unique group of consumers and as such, entirely new approaches must be adopted. Even if the product you are trying to sell is intended for a completely different demographic, such as Depends Adult diapers.
I tried to explain to the Creative Director that the hipster didn't represent our customer demographic, but she's got a bad case of millennialitis.
by Henkitime January 16, 2017
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The antithesis of a papi chulo. A man who believes he is God’s gift looks wise, but in fact is so ugly, that looking at him will hurt your feelings.
I don’t understand her - she keeps trying to get him back because she remembers what he looked like when they met. But that was nearly 20 years ago, and Papi Chulo has become Papi Chupacabra!
by Henkitime February 3, 2024
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