1 definition by HemelPaigons

To make a fool of oneself unintentionally. Reference to "Mayor Quimby" from The Simpsons, who was subjected to frequent misfortune as the result of his unluckiness. A Quimby can refer to an event in which someone humiliates themself or a period of time in which their behaviour was littered with frequent misfortune. The word "Qumiby" can be used as a verb or an adjective.
Frequent occasions for which the term can be used include: Failing a test, getting obscenely drunk, falling over/tripping up etc.

NB: Credit to Alex Waylett for raising awareness of the word
Describing someone having had a "Quimby"- "You've had a Quimby mate." (Verb)
Describing a currently occuring event- "You're having a Quimby of a time" (Adjective)
Abusing someone and teasing them- "Ahhhh Qumiby!" (Noun)
by HemelPaigons July 27, 2012
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