2 definitions by Hdujdbddidjdo

The dumb ass in class who always does the dumbest shit in his life and is the dumbest person and he always is fetching mom a damn redbull peach and argues with everybody
Man Teagan Bielss is a dumbass.
by Hdujdbddidjdo March 10, 2020
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A triflin ass hoe who sleeps in filth and smells like absolute shit, he car is literally a moving trash can and she never showers and smells like shit has been sitting in a bag in a hot car for 4 days, is not loyal lies about everything and does coke in strangers bathrooms. She’s trash. Also she likes to eat pizzas that has been sitting in the car for 3 days and she probably has like 5 STDS
by Hdujdbddidjdo March 3, 2020
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