1 definition by Hayden_122

Lara’s are always confident in everything they do but sometimes shy infront of new people but crazy as hell with her friends . Lara’s are beautiful and stunning at all times and has a smile like an angel and hey eyes sparkle in the sun . Lara is kind to all she loves but is devilish to those few who she hates . She is smart and will get good grades . Her friendship circle is big but is always keen to make new friends . Any boy is lucky to have her as a girlfriend. Her laugh is funny and she always makes other people laugh and is in a good mood at all times . Lara’s are usually tall and have long brown hair they hate sports and are into singing and dancing and is into all sorts of trends . She’s a big gossiper but In a good way
Lara is so funny and trendy
by Hayden_122 September 7, 2018
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