4 definitions by Hawkeye Parker

One word, gender non-specific third-person singular pronoun for English, when used as the subject of a sentence. Use instead of he/she. Pronounced "hesh" (silent 'e').

Cf. herim, heris
When a user clicks 'Google Search', heshe will be redirected to the search results.
by Hawkeye Parker February 26, 2007
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One word, gender non-specific third-person singular possesive pronoun for English. Use instead of his/her. Pronounced "her-is" or "harris".

Cf. heshe, herim
How is it that everyone has heris own monkey-shaver?
by Hawkeye Parker February 26, 2007
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Knot-art. Artwork or craft made by knotting lines and ropes.
Check out my pretty turk's head knart soapdish.
by Hawkeye Parker March 19, 2007
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One word, gender non-specific third-person singular pronoun for English, when used as the object of a sentence or phrase. Use instead of him/her. Pronounced "hur-im" or sometimes "hair-im".

Cf. heshe, heris
When someone eats a pickle, even though it's almost always tasty, sometimes some pickle juice gets on herim.
by Hawkeye Parker February 26, 2007
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