3 definitions by Havard Educator

A short, fat kid with absolutly no life whatsoever. It eats, eats, eats,sleeps, takes shits, and plays online games.. ALL-DAY-LONG.
The Atkins diet can prevent you from being a MINI MAJ, and die of a heart attack.
by Havard Educator April 18, 2003
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To assume or represent in a drama; act out: “Participants are encouraged to pass on leads about jobs... and to role-play interview situations with each other”
"I want to get along with everyone, and be friends with Game Masters, then do permissable PvP acts in-game, so everyone still loves me. Basically I want to be a SIR THOMAS."
by Havard Educator April 18, 2003
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A fat little boy, who eats up lots of Twinkies and plays UO.
Want to lose weight? Please say yes, because if you don't you'll end up like a MAJESTIC MAN.
by Havard Educator April 18, 2003
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