2 definitions by Harmon_yy

Illy is a man who is very intelligent and slick. He has a beautiful smile, and beautiful eyes that everybody will recognise him by. He often hangs with the wrong people though and their cocky ways rub off to him but don’t let this fool you because Illy has a ginormous heart and is a very soft man when you break through his walls and barricades he puts up. He knows he is super cool yet still lack confidence due to his personal upbringing. He is very humble. He appreciate the form of life which is what all should do. Illy often likes to overplease so he says things he can’t often go through with. He is an introvert rather than an extrovert. Not many people will be able to get into his heart because he is very protective, and is a private man and doesn’t like opening up as an introvert. If you ever get your hands on a Illy don’t let him go!
I want someone to care about me as much as they care about themselves.” “Go find yourself an Illy!”
by Harmon_yy March 13, 2019
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Fozzey is a man who everyone absolutely loves and adores. He is super sexy, and has great hair. He has such a big heart and cares for many people. He is down to earth and very humble. Do not let Fozzey out of your sight because if you do he will run.
“Where can I find myself a guy who is sexy, and has a good personality?” “Go find yourself a Fozzey!”
by Harmon_yy March 13, 2019
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