2 definitions by Hanna Bebb

Derived from the commonly used term OMG or OMFG. Has the same meaning as the above, the only difference is the G is spelled out gangsta-style and has more emphasis in order to really get your meaning of 'Woah!' or 'I just can't believe that' across. Can be used to express both good and bad emotions, depends on the situation.
Boy: You are so fine I would enjoy a date with you.
by Hanna Bebb October 4, 2006
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A cool new way of expressing how spicy something is. For people who can't handle even the smallest amount of hot sauce and knows just how extreme it can get if you don't consume buckets of water IMMEDIATELY.
"I have the best mild chicken for lunch, would you care for some"

"Sure.. OMFGOTZ ESSPISSY!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Hanna Bebb October 17, 2006
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