2 definitions by HandyAndy

The act of shaving your eyebrows and drawing new, paper thin ones in with a sharpie marker.

OMG josh did you see that latina chick with the sharpie eyebrows?

Yea man shes hideous!
by HandyAndy June 14, 2007
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a twist on the classic ya get me

Generally used by the more discerning gentleman as a means of puncuating a sentence when said gentlemen wishes to sound more urban
'Tim, let Miles know we'll be buying into that new ecommerce start up. Yougetz?'

'Emily I'm not buying any more chilli stuffed olives! Yougetz?'

'For christs sake Peter - stop with the Malbec! Yougetz?!'
by HandyAndy October 20, 2012
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