2 definitions by Hamed&Andrew

A curious creature. may or may not enjoy consuming leafy green substances. Only one is known to man, but others may exist under the roofs of those parents are too lenient.

A warning to casual observers; "Jarvis" is extremely tempermental and will snap for reasons only known in its own angsty mind.
civilian 1: "Whos shampoo did I use today?"

civilian 2: "Oh that was Jarvis'."

civilian 3: "Jarvis and Fake D are pecking away at each other like toddlers again"

civilian 4: "Im not going to class today, Im going to pull a Jarvis"
by Hamed&Andrew July 18, 2006
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The first in a long line of "Fakes." Not "fake" due to personality or attitude persay, merely "fake" because he was the second JD to join a group of friends. May have a fondness for television, leather loveseats, anime, wine, and other hipsters.
"I love Fake D, but he is melting into the couch again!"
"I would like to introduce you guys to my friends Joe and Fake Joe"
by Hamed&Andrew July 18, 2006
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