4 definitions by Half Ounce of Kush

1) A nigger that things they're a whitey.

2) A whitey that thinks they're a nigger.

3) See: Your Typical UrbanDictionary.com User.
1) Did you see that black guy at Hot Topic? Fucking wigger.

2) A lot of wiggers hanging around the skate park lately. They really should get a fucking job.

3) Yo, hit me up on myspace dawg. lolz
by Half Ounce of Kush January 9, 2008
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The type of (heterosexual) guy that girls never want because they have a hard time really thinking of us as 'a guy'. Basically, in theory, we're not "manly" enough... And also because being willing to die for them (or even kill if it was somehow necessary) isn't good enough.
Nothing wrong with being a "bitchboy", even if society looks down in it. Just like they look down on pot-smokers, atheists, "tomboys" and homosexuals.
by Half Ounce of Kush February 19, 2008
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