2 definitions by Hahoteemgirl

An old vine that used to be used a lot back in 2012 but now it's just... pathetic
Random kid who thinks he is being cool: MOMMY IM HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYY!
by Hahoteemgirl April 10, 2017
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Someone who doesn't even know what something means, then goes around saying it like they invented it. This can sometimes work out to their enemy's advantage but I think you can work out how that worked.
Cool Kid: Yo THAS well plorin'

Normal Kid: Do you even know what that means?

Cool Kid: Uhhh Wha? Don' be dum fam! Duhhhh this kid lit !

Normal kid: Ugh, top notch for losers...
by Hahoteemgirl April 10, 2017
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