1 definition by HSHS(:

Usually describing a male that is way out of your league. He may be a senior, and possibly may be in love with your best friend even though she betrayed him, for lack of a better word. If you are a Matt, you are probably one of the hottest guys in your school. A freshman of some sort probably likes a Matt because of his way of understanding and his abilty to make you smile no matter what. A Matt will bring you food when neccisary, and has no problem picking you up at two am if needed; therefore, a Matt is a good, (no great!) friend. A Matt has little problem sharing his opinion. Also, a Matt may have an interest in the Marines, or another branch of that sort. Matt's usually have troubled lives, but always has a friend to talk to. Generally, a Matt being as hott as he is, has girls all over him, but not always. Of course, Matts are clueless to everything that goes on around them, so they wouldnt know anyway.

A Matt is an all around good person. I'd love to date one. (If only I could...)
"Look at that Matt! If only my boyfriend could be more like him..."
by HSHS(: February 11, 2009
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