First of all, Ibtesham's are very stupid. they do not understand how valuable they are in their friend groups, and are constantly putting themselves down. Indeed, they are the complete opposite of how they see themselves and anyone would tell you they are the kindest, most generous, individuals ever. They will always back you up, and offer help wherever possible. Just as they will always be there for you, it is important that you are there for them as well. To have an Ibtesham is to have a ray of light in your life. Never let them go.

They are charismatic, charming, loving, loyal, hard-working, and honorable. His personality invites people in, and it's hard to not love them immediately.

Don't ever let them write their own definition of UrbanDictionary, cause all they gonna do is write things that are far from the truth.
Life without an Ibtesham is no life at all!
by HANAHGOTAHICKEYFROM November 23, 2021
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