2 definitions by GutNose

Similar to saying "look who's talking!"; a comeback for when somebody says or insults something or somebody, but the statement is hypocritical
Clark - "Hey Neil! You're so stupid!"
Neil - "Says you! You're the one with an F in Math!"

Bob - "Wow! This paragraph is the mos sloppy thing I have seen!"
Mark - "Says you! All you wrote about was how 2+2 is equal to 5!"
by GutNose November 19, 2014
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A word used as a filler or randomly used in a conversation.

Just a random thing to say
-Hey Dude, What was the homework yesterday?

-It was like Pg. 696, problems... I don't know man, uhhhh, nose gut.

-Want some of my sandwich?

-No, nose guts!
by GutNose October 9, 2014
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