1 definition by Guest0738

A female name, which is constantly spelt incorrectly or pronounced incorrectly. Kyla’s are sexy, intelligent, humorous women and crazy loyal to people especially for her significant other. Kyla’s are very trustworthy and athletic. Kyla’s are often nice and innocent when you first meet a Kyla but once you get to know one, they’re crazy, funny and have good vibes (wild and kinky in bed). However, Kyla’s doesn’t take bullshits and will fuck your ass up if she has to. Kyla’s can come off chill. If you ever meet a Kyla don’t let her go. Kyla’s are perfect.
Person 1: Do you think she’ll buy my “story”!?
Person 2: Probably not, Kyla don’t take bullshit
by Guest0738 July 24, 2018
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