3 definitions by Grute Man

IHA is an acronym which means: I Hate Acronyms!
Today's society is far too fascinated with acronyms; I would rather speak with real words to exhibit my intelligence. IHA !
by Grute Man November 9, 2018
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When you select a locker in an empty locker room, the next person coming back to their locker will be right next to yours. If they happen to enter at the exact moment you're putting on your underwear, then their locker will be on the opposite side of you and they'll have to shuffle by uncomfortably close.
Me: (putting on underwear in the locker room)
Next guy: oh hi, I need to slip past you to get to my locker; hope you don't mind.
Me: No problem; it's Murphy's Locker room Law.
Next guy & Me: chuckle chuckle chuckle
by Grute Man August 27, 2017
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An unexpected emission of gas from the anus during a yoga class.
I need a new yoga studio. I dropped the biggest yogart today. Totally ruined savasana.
by Grute Man August 25, 2015
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