2 definitions by Grullz, The Muller

Tarkover is a sexual position, usually involving two or more individuals of the same sex, in which one of them gets stuck while other people 'shift' in them, usually with relationships that involve oral and anal at the same time.
''Bro we should get the tarkovers and do a party!"
''Heya any Tarkovers ready for a raid?''
by Grullz, The Muller March 3, 2021
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is a reference to the neckbeard owner of the dead IG Network, the word is used when someone creates a totally meaningless conspiracy or screw it all over again.
-Did you heard that Epstein didn-
-Yo, don't
-Thats a Murlock Moment
by Grullz, The Muller November 7, 2019
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