1 definition by GrownJuvenile

When the opportunity opens itself to a "That's what she said" moment however the entire audience (minus your juvenile likeminded friends) might not be as appreciative or receptive. For example, one might be in a board meeting and... "these forecasted numbers were not as long and strong as predicted." Joes looks at John (likeminded juvenile co-worker) and says, "It's that TWSS paradigm we were talking about."
When the opportunity opens itself to a "That's what she said" moment however the entire audience (minus your juvenile likeminded friends) might not be as appreciative or receptive. For example, one might be in a board meeting and... "these forecasted numbers were not as long and strong as predicted." Joes looks at John (likeminded juvenile co-worker) and says, "It's that TWSS paradigm we were talking about."
by GrownJuvenile April 21, 2023
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