1 definition by GooseW2

If you meet a Gracie, she is a lot more than meets the eye. Although she is absolutely stunning, with her nice freckles and gorgeous hair, she’s very wise and deep and quite sensitive. Gracie has an amazing heart, absolutely beautiful inside and outside. She’s very athletic, but she is obsessed with love. She really enjoys romance movies and she definitely keeps an eye out for “Mr. Right”. She likes a man that is gentle, yet slightly protective, but isn’t focused on protecting her from other guys charm, but from the dangers of the world. Physical attraction is great but she also loves someone who is intelligent, athletic and kind. She wants them do be devoted to serving others, and doing whatever he can to make sure that people are content. He also ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE CHRISTIAN. Because, without god, love is nothing, life has no meaning. Gracie is very smart and wise. She definitely wants kids (because she’s great with them) and she always makes sure everyone is pleased. She is very faith oriented, as well as a big family person. She trusts in god no matter what, and will follow his path he has for her. She always knows not to settle for anything, and to always chase her dreams. If you EVER meet a Gracie, trust her, love her, hold on to her right, because I promise she will do the same back to you.
Brad: “That girl is literally a goddess”
Cole: “I know right, she’s stunning”
Noah: “She’s a beast athlete, and has the biggest heart in the world”
Will: “I’m already in love”

Gracie- absolutely amazing
by GooseW2 July 12, 2021
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