1 definition by GoodFortune

a (F)at (P)arty (A)nimal. Normally female. They exist in their natural environments of shitty dive bars, 2nd year college dorms, or community colleges offering programs in medical coding and billing. Were thin and slightly attractive until about 19 or 20, and following the combination of a slowing metabolism and increased consumption of dollar drafts, gained between 15 to 40 pounds, mainly in the hip/thigh/face regions.

They tend to enjoy being loud, wearing dresses entirely to tight that they may have fit into at an earlier age, and hunting for their natural prey, drunk munchies. On birthdays, along with the painted on dress, they wear novelty crowns and an unwarranted sense of self importance. Vulnerable too sprained cankles resulting from drunk dancing in high heels worn to prop up their dumpy asses. Enjoy party busses stocked with copious amounts of bud light and birthday cake in the shape of dicks. They usually sport leg scratches from pissing in the bushes, and facial scars from that time they fell into a brick wall. Usually have a cute friend that isn't worth it because she's just a couple years behind the rest of the gaggle.

Their favorite holidays are St. Patrick's day and Spaghetti day, or just St. Spaghetti Day. They love to party, they love to eat, and are constantly late for their reception job at the salon because they chipped a tooth on the handrail at the bar last night.

Sidenote - Rampant in Boston
Friend 1- Hey dude check out that pack of FPAs.

Friend 2- Oh dude that ones tearing into that wing plate!

Friend 1- Haha look at the one in yellow, she just wiped out on those obnoxious heels trying to fish those mike and ike out of her purse.

Friend 2- And the ones already done with the wings and moving on the the yard glass of keystone light. Friends kinda cute though.

Friend 1- No man, im not entertaining FPAs all night, i dont have enough beef jerkey and im out of busch light.
by GoodFortune February 1, 2011
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