22 definitions by Girls ❤️ shafts

A loosely organized network of Democrap voters, politicians, and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as the Russia Hoax, Jussie Smollet hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington Kids hoax, and Brett Kavanaugh hoax. Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and “remove” lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard at the U.S. Capitol. On an unrelated note, Blue Anon was the first term (before I revived it) Urban Dictionary blue-penciled because they are woebegone, mental, and melodramatic hypocrites and CCP-inspired aficionados.
Hey, did you see that brave Democrat sitting on the Capitol Steps on March 5 to “send a message to QAnon?

“Uh, yeah that was Blue Anon, ya.”
by Girls ❤️ shafts March 8, 2021
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