2 definitions by Girl.xoxo

A very Nice girl, styvana! She'S having EVERYTHING a friend should HAVE! F you are her friend, fight ti never lost her! You can describe her with soulmate, bestfriend, always there for you.. Shes just perfekt!
Oh! Look how beautiful styvana is today, like all the OTHER days
by Girl.xoxo December 12, 2016
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Styvana is a very Nice and beautiful Young woman. She's sometimes to Nice and foregive people easy. She's Also having many friends and everyone loves her, But Shes still very quit and doesent like attention always! Shes very beautiful and had S great look and she smells very good everyday! Everyone loves her for the one she is
1. Oh! Look how beautiful Styvana is today
2. That girl should look like a girl named styvana
3. Shes so styvana
by Girl.xoxo December 12, 2016
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