2 definitions by Ghost in the Machine

To steal something skillfully, esp. when the person robbed doesn't realize it's gone or can't do anything about it.

Popularized by the "You got Rondod" ad campaign by Reebok for Celtics' guard Rajon Rondo.
When you get in your car and realize someone siphoned all the gas out of your tank last night without you knowing it... "You got Rondod"
by Ghost in the Machine July 11, 2008
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To steal something so skillfully, esp. when the person robbed doesn't even realize it's gone or can't do anything about it.

Popularized by the "You got Rondoed" ad campaign by Reebok for Celtics' guard Rajon Rondo.
You get in your car and realize someone siphoned all the gas out of your tank last night without you knowing it... "You got Rondoed"
by Ghost in the Machine July 11, 2008
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