1 definition by Getcrazycrunk

Crystalpunk is a simpleton stampede, a coxcomb carnival, a daydreamers cabal, a platitude-peddling potlatch, a nihilists ambulation on tiptoe, an incantation of the language in the corners of your eyes, a wild farrago of those who run before they can walk, an ABD of being Free from the NOW! NOW! NOW! We wear non-matching socks: that is who we are!
a: Community through the eyes of socializations coloured words in a parlor with wind?
b: Icicles with the treasure chest under the sea of sand sink and sank for days choking on salted waves choking afront no suffocation, warping faces. purple faces.
a:KITTEN SHIT! crystalpunk ontop of a flea market!
by Getcrazycrunk May 13, 2008
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