2 definitions by GetItRight28

Loyal, caring, creative. Always the best listener she will always give you sound advice, but has often been guilty of not taking her own good advice. Not quick to trust or open up to new people, but once she let's you into her heart, you will always have a place there, provided you don't screw it up. Loves to laugh even
though stress rules her life. She loves to love and be loved in return. She always tries to be nice, but you will find yourself out of her good graces if you just assume her name is spelled "Laurie", “Lori” or some other variation.
Louri is nice until you piss her off.
by GetItRight28 November 23, 2021
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She is a sexy, strong, courageous, independent
woman. A woman that isn't going to stand by and be bullied by anyone nor let you bully someone else in her presence.
A woman that is both beautiful on the inside and out.
Many may call her a saint. She will have your back in any fight, and so you better have her's too, and if not
she will discard you for the coward trash heap you are.
She is a dear friend, a loyal partner, a shoulder to
cry on, an encourager, trustworthy and respectable.
When you are down and out, or need someone to help, who ya going to call? Call Louri.
by GetItRight28 November 23, 2021
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