1 definition by Geraurban

I am not a philosophy major as you'd have to be an idiot to major in philosophy. Thus, the below statements are verified by the fact that they're understandable by general people and make actual sense, not that they sound fancy.

Definition 1. Logical analysis to determine the nature of the reality that observable, scientific reality exists within. Absolutely (necessarily) separated from empirical analysis of observable, scientific reality (these are 'physics').

'Meta' means 'around', 'before', 'encompassing all within'. 'Meta topics' in any forum are discussion of the forum itself, rather than specific contents the forum is meant to discuss. 'Metadiscussion' as a topic, is discussion of discussion. 'Meta analysis' of scientific journals is scientific analysis of all scientific data.

Physics is the study of change in the Universe.

Metaphysics, just literally read, means logical or empirical analysis to determine the nature of the reality within which all that is analysed by physics, the Universe, is.

Definition 2. Goddamn anything you want. Anything that isn't metaphysics by the above definition and is still called metaphysics, is metaphysics because someone said it is.

Anyone wanting to add to the definitions: listing examples isn't providing a definition. Philosophy is nothing if not comprehensible, ie. either using language that's clearly defined, or using language that's all of: literally interpretable, logically cohesive, and warranted in actual use.
Person 1: "I'm studying metaphysics"
Person 2: "Why?"
by Geraurban September 29, 2021
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